All About Food Allergy which a Parent should know About

Danone Nutricia Academy
3 min readAug 12, 2020


food allergies

Right around 1 out of 12 children experience the ill effects of a food allergy and they appear to get increasingly normal. Food allergies happen when your immune system gets confounded — rather than ignoring innocuous food proteins, it triggers a response, which prompts the release of a chemical compound called histamine. It is histamine which causes the allergy side effects of hives or inflammation. More serious responses are called hyper allergy, and this might be hazardous.

How to be certain that your child has food allergy?

Food allergies are significantly more typical among youngsters who originate from families where there is a history of different individuals experiencing the ill effects of hyper allergy. Infants who experience the ill effects of skin inflammation are at a higher danger of having food hyper allergies. The more serious the skin inflammation and the earlier that it started, the more certain there is to be about a food allergy.

Weaning and Food Allergy

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) suggests that highly allergenic foods are: Milk, eggs, wheat, gluten, soya, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, seeds can be tried from the time the child is 6 months old. They ought to be presented each in turn, with a gap of 3 days after introduction of each new food, so it is simpler to recognize any food that causes a response. Ensure your youngster is well at the hour of introduction, for example not when they have a fever.

When your child has been eating the individual foods, you can begin blending them to expand the variety and fort enhancing the taste. It might be useful to keep a food and side effect diary to record instances of any food item that may have set off a response. By the age of a year at the most recent, your infant ought to have been acquainted with all the major allergenic foods.

Symptoms of Food Allergy in Babies and Children

Indications of a quick food allergy:
• A flushed face, hives, a red and irritated rash around the mouth, tongue or eyes. This can spread over the whole body.
• Mild swelling in the lips, eyes and face.
• A runny or blocked nose, wheezing and watering eyes.
• Nausea and spewing, stomach issues and looseness of the bowels.
• A scratchy or bothersome mouth and throat.

Extreme side effects (hyper allergy). These require direct medical attention.

  • Wheezing or chest snugness, like an extreme asthma assault.
  • Swelling of the tongue and throat, blocking the airways. This can cause loud breathing (particularly on breathing in), cough or an adjustment in voice.
  • An unexpected drop in blood pressure (called hypotension) leading to stroke.
  • Dizziness, confusion, becoming unconscious, loss of cognizance and in rare cases, falling into coma.

Manifestations of delayed food hyper allergy:

  • Eczema
  • Acid Reflux
  • Poor development
  • Swelling in the small intestine
  • Constipation or explosive diarrhea
  • Intense stomach ache
  • Frequent pain and crying

How is food allergy treated in a youngster?

There is right now no medication to forestall food allergy in kids. The objective of treatment is to avoid the foods that cause the side effects. It’s significant that your kid not eat these food or other similar food sources in that nutritional category. In the event that you are breastfeeding your kid, converse with your youngster’s allergist about whether you have to stay away from these foods as well.

Youngsters with food allergies who are in danger of an extreme response (hyper allergy) should always carry 2 epinephrine autoinjectors consistently. This helps stop the side effects of extreme responses.

A few kids may grow out of their allergies. Numerous allergies might be short lived in kids. Your youngster might have the option to eat the food after age 3 or 4. Reintroduce a food only after talking with your pediatrician.

On the off chance that your infant is sensitive to milk, treatment may incorporate changing your child’s equation to a soy based milk formula. If your youngster has issues with soy formula, there are hypoallergenic formula available in the market.



Danone Nutricia Academy
Danone Nutricia Academy

Written by Danone Nutricia Academy

Danone Nutricia Academy is a platform which brings together care professionals to learn and share insights into maternal and child health.

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